Your Premier Dance Studio

Tuition & Policies

Tuition Policies

  • The rates listed here are quoted for families at our WVDC Studio.
  • Tuition will remain the same amount each month regardless of the number of classes held, as tuition is averaged over the entire dance year.
  • Tuition will be due the 1st of each month.
  • To Drop a class families must provide written notification 30 days prior or their account will be charged for the subsequent month.
  • Tuition is non-refundable.
  • Due to limited class sizes, there are no make-up classes or refunds for missed classes.
  • A $25 late fee will be charged to all families who do not pay their tuition on time and in full by the 5th of each month.

Other Fees

  • WVDC Studio Annual Membership Fee: $60/family
  • Costume Fee(s): $90 per costume, billed on November 15th, 2023.
    Dancers are expected to pay for their costumes upfront, as the WVDC is required to pay for costumes when they are ordered. Costumes will not be distributed unless all costume fees are paid in full. Additional fees for tights, shoes, and accessories may incur.
  • Recital Fee: $75 per dancer due March 15th, 2024.
    Each year, our studio participates in an annual recital at the Center for the Performing Arts in San Jose. Recital fees are required for all class-only and competition numbers.

